Christmas At Home With... Fanny Ward

Christmas At Home With... Fanny Ward

Budd’s very own Creative Director, Fanny Ward shares her Christmas moments with us. (@fannyward)

The perfect gift under the Christmas tree would be…

I would like to find David Hockney in our Budd Paisley silk gown and we could talk about colour!

I would like to pull a Christmas cracker with

Daniel Craig

My perfect Christmas outfit is

My apron, my My Budd silk Pyjamas and a Budd hanky to mop my brow

Three essential stocking fillers

A box of Christmas Kisses, a jar of Loving kindness and a big bottle of Calm

My favourite indulgence at Christmas is

Daylesford Salted Caramels

My perfect Christmas day involves…

Having all of the family at home under my wing!

Boxing Day on the sofa involves…

Watching on TV and a long walk with the dog

I despise… at Christmas


Favourite Christmas tipple...

A good vintage Champagne

I would like to share a turkey with…

This year I am helping out at a shelter and shall be sharing turkey with the homeless.

What I wear to open my Christmas stocking

My Budd Cashmerello jimjams of course!

Presents, before or after lunch?


Does the tree stay up for the 12 days of Christmas, or does it come down quick-quick?

Until Twelfth Night, definitely!

How best to celebrate New Year’s Eve?

Venison, a glass or two of organic red wine and EARLY to bed

On New Year’s Day I shall be wearing…

I’ll be back into a fresh pair of Cashmerello pyjamas.

Read more of our 'Christmas At Home With...' series here.

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