Made to Measure Collars

Budd Shirtmakers  Made to Measure Shirt Collars
Made to Measure Collars

Collar shape is the most defining and distinctive feature of a shirt. It sets the tone, can be chosen according to occasion and fundamentally, helps to frame your face.

Budd collar - forward collar

Budd Collar

Our house 'Budd' collar hasn't changed since the 1980's. Forward facing it is ideally suited for a tie or bow tie and is our most popular collar shape.

Budd Semispread collar

Bank Semi-Spread

A nod to the Webster family, the Bank Collar has remained unchanged for over 40 years. Semi cut-away, it holds a fuller knot. Less severe than continental cutaways, the Bank is typically British and sits under the lapels of the jacket.

Budd Shirtmaker spread shirt collar

Full Spread

Similar to a cutaway collar and with European undertones, this has slightly longer collar points and is contemporary and elegant. Best worn with a tie, and well-suited to half Windsor knots. A good collar shape for longer or narrow faces.

Budd Shirtmakers - Washington long point shirt collar


A collar with a much straighter forward front, we christened this collar the 'Washington' due to its popularity amongst our American clientele, who prefer the straighter cut.

Budd Shirtmakers - Budd btutton-down shirt collar


The classic, casual collar and a great weekend option, the Budd button down has a slightly longer point to add a little more height and further enhance its casual style.

Budd Shirtmakers - Budd hidden button-down shirt collar

Hidden Button-Down

As the name suggests, buttons on button-down collars are inside the points as opposed to visible and passing through. This gives the shirt the appearance of a regular collar, but ensures that it sits proud.

Budd Shirtmakers - Budd penny-round shirt collar


A modern take on the old Edwardian, school collar which originally came taller and fully starched. The shallow points of Budd's penny round create a contemporary look, perfect for a casual shirt or to add a subtle twist when worn with a suit.

Budd Shirtmakers - Budd two-button tab collar

Two- Button Tab

An uncommon but interesting collar shape with a vintage tool and a great anchor to show off your tie and knot. It has a closed appearance and should almost always be worn fully-buttoned.

Budd Shirtmakers - Budd neckband shirt collar

Neck Band

Cut without an accompanying detachable collar, the neckband style has a Korean or Mandarin inspired influence to it. The formality of this shirt changes very much depending on the choice of cloths. Wear informally in softer or patterned cloths and dress up in poplins.

Budd Shirtmakers - white contrast shirt collar
White Collar

Opt for a classic white forward collar (and cuffs) for a touch of old-school elegance and a dose of freshness too. The contrast of the collar will brighten up a tailored ensemble.

Collars - Some Facts

As a rule of thumb, the classic Budd collar with its narrower points is the most flattering and popular of all collars. It is a traditional “forward” collar, synonymous with Jermyn Street tradition. It works best for those with rounder faces and will lengthen and slim them down a little, thanks to its narrower, straighter points.

Other collars to consider: Button Down, Hidden Button Down, Washington, Round Pin, White Collar, Penny Round

Spread collars tend to have more contemporary and European overtones, and work very well for those with thinner, longer or more angular faces, helping to give balance. They have wider collar points that angle outwards instead of down. If wearing a tie, you will need a fuller knot, but better still, go without.

Collars to consider: Bank (semi-spread), Full spread, Penny-round, Tab

If you have an oval face, you have the choice of pretty much any collar shape.